Probus Dún Laoghaire Marine
Probus Dún Laoghaire Marine News for Members

2023 Probus Membership Subscription
Published on 16/01/2023

1. The Club membership remittance for 2023, €75 is now due and should be paid no later than Mon 31 January 2022. Please pay by either cheque or online

2. Send remittance by cheque to :- Lorcan McEneaney, Treasurer, Probus Dun Laoghaire Marine, 26 Gosworth Park, Sandycove, Co. Dublin A96 P8K5, clearly identifying yourself.

3. Online payment to:

The Probus Club of Dun Laoghaire Marine (account)

IBAN of IE98AIBK93340625986011 (input WITHOUT spaces).


4. You MUST include your own Name as the “REFERENCE” detail in your Bank Transfer data input.

5. To facilitate ease of administration kindly advise Lorcan McEneaney of the date of your bank transfer by SMS to 087 283 7316 or by email:
