Probus Dún Laoghaire Marine
About us


The Probus Movement is an association of independent clubs throughout Ireland, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand and 17 other jurisdictions providing a regular forum for retired and semi-retired professional and business people. The word PROBUS was created from the words PROfessional and BUSiness.

Worldwide, there are approximately 5,000 clubs with a membership of 400,000 people.

There are 134 Probus clubs in Ireland (95 male; 34 female and 5 dual-gender) encompassing 4,700 members.

The genesis of Probus in Ireland dates from the mid 1971 when it was inaugurated by Rotary in Ireland, which is attached to Rotary International. The first Probus club in Ireland was inaugurated in Bangor Co Down on 1 June 1971. The Probus Movement has no central world body. Each Probus club is autonomous, making its own rules and decisions about time, venue and regularity of meetings and the format these follow. At establishment each Probus club is sponsored by a local Rotary club, or group of Rotary clubs. Once established club members are responsible for leadership. The essential purpose is to facilitate regular gatherings of persons, who in retirement, value opportunities to meet counterparts with broadly similar interests.

Rotary was established in Ireland over a century ago and there are 73 active Rotary clubs under its auspices.


The Probus Club of Dún Laoghaire Marine convenes each Monday at 11.00 (except on public holidays) for an hour at Royal St George Yacht Club. The main item of business is usually a talk about a topic of interest given by a member or a guest speaker - followed by a short Q&A. The Club also arranges 'away events' from time to time.

The Probus Club of Dún Laoghaire Marine has a fraternal relationship with The Probus Club of Antrim. A visit is arranged, North and South, every other year to facilitate this relationship and to tour venues of interest.


Myles Duffy,


The membership of the Committee elected at the AGM on Monday 13 January 2025 comprises

Frank Mee (President)

Michael Earley (Vice President)

Tony Layng (Hon. Secretary)

Donal Duffy (Treasurer)

Adrian Burke, Myles Duffy, Dr Peter McGonigal (President 2024, ex officio)

Frank Mee: President 2025
Dr Michael Earley: Vice-President 2025
Tony Layng: Hon. Secretary
Donal Duffy: Hon. Treasurer
Dr Peter McGonigal: President 2024, ex officio
Adrian Burke: Committee Member
Myles Duffy: Committee Member

Front: Dr Michael Earley, Vice President 2025; Frank Mee, President 2025; Tony Layng, Hon Secretary; Donal Duffy, Treasurer Back: Adrian Burke; Dr Peter McGonigal (President 2024); Myles Duffy, (President 2018)