Probus Dún Laoghaire Marine
Future Events Programme




'Climate Action - is it all over bar the shouting?'

Alex White SC Director-General (Jan 2023+) Institute of International and European Affairs

  • 📅Monday, July 29, 2024
  • 🕥11:00 - 12:00
  • 🏟Royal St. George Yacht Club (map)

TD (2011-2016)

Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources (2014-2016)

Chair, Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform (2011-2012)

Member Seanad Éireann (2007-2011)

Radio Producer RTÉ (1984-1994)

This talk will address the yawning gap between what needs to be done, on the one hand - and what is politically achievable (here and internationally) on the other
